This strip appears in each issue of Orlando Attractions Magazine and it revolves around a family that is perpetually at the various theme parks in Florida. I co-created it with writer Pat Lewis and a few of the strips can be seen below:
I wrote and illustrated the comic The Last Laugh, which you'll find on the last page of every issue of Disney Adventures Magazine.
JAX EPOCH AND THE QUICKEN FORBIDDEN Quicken Forbidden is a comic I illustrate and co-publish with Dave Roman. I'll add more here, but in the meantime check out THIS page.
Another comic I do with Dave, this one is a bout a teen who can turn into a boat! Check it out HERE.
CUPID ON NOTICE Hatchback Studios developed the narrative and virtual world interactive for Sony PlayStation Home's Valentine's Day 2010 campaign. I did the character design and animation seen in the video below and on the website
You can also see this and other illustration work I've done in the GAMES section.
I plan on adding some miscellaneous illustrations I've done here.